How it began, technology, well Tinder to be exact. Who says you can’t find love through an app?
As both of us were thrown off by having the same name (her being the legal Andi), the same love for the San Jose Sharks, same love for cats (well, animals in general), it was an instant swipe right for both of us. And it was a Match!
Once we met in person, it was instant love. Things moved quickly; before we knew it, our first anniversary came and went, and we were living together.
From bouncing around, living in different areas in the Bay Area (from Livermore, San Jose, Bonny Doon, and Pacific Grove), trying new and adventurous things and side ventures, obtaining more and more animals while losing a few along the way (that hurt the worst), to changing from career to career, our love and support for each other grew stronger.
After six years of being together, we picked up and moved across the country to Texas; we took on new challenges and made a new life for us.
Through thick and thin, we have weathered many storms and look forward to continuing our story as newlyweds and sharing that moment with all of you.